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Occasionally we will get photographs of people whose names do not appear on the nominal roll, and there is some doubt if they did in fact ever serve on the System. Some of them would have been on temporary duty (TDY) or just passing through. This would have been particularly true of the linemen and technicians who were posted to other units and sent in to the North periodically to build and maintain sites on the System. While these people did not officially belong to the NWT&Y Radio System, they nevertheless played a most significant role. Their stories are worthy of the telling and add immensely to our understanding of how the System worked and the events in the daily lives of the people who served on its stations.

Nominal Roll

Those names that have pictures attached are those for whom we
have information. Click on the picture to link to that person's page.

Bill Adams Adams, W. (Bill)
Agnew, A.O.K.
Agoposowicz, L.R.
Ainsley, T.R.J.
WA Aird Aird,W.A. (Bill)
AJ Akkerman Akkerman, A.J.
Jack All All, J.M. (Jack)
Ted Allen Allen, E.G.
Norine Allen Allen, N,A.
D. Allison Allison, D.A.
Anderson, G.R.
Armstrong, A.G.

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Andy Bahrey Bahrey, A.C.
Bain, J.C.
Baker, H.A.
E. Bakewell Bakewell, E.
Ballantine, E.
Ballantine, R.D.
Barnes, T.W.
Joe Barry Barry, J.H. (Joe)
Basham, T.W.
Bastock, D.W.
Batty, G.W.
Beames, D.W. (Denny)
Beattie, J.
Bebeau, R.
Becker, R.J..
GDW Beckett Beckett, G.D.W.
Bedard, A.J.
Bedard, N.
Behm, G.J.
Belec, H.J. (Howie)
Bell, A.A.
Bell, G.
Bell, J. (Johnny)
Jerry Bellefontaine Bellefontaine, A.J. (Jerry).
Ken Bellefontaine Bellefontaine, J.K. (Ken)
Joe Benkhe Benkhe, J.M.
Rolly Benner Benner, R.C. (Rolly)
Benoit, M.J. (Moe)
Berg, S.G.
George Bernard Bernard, G.L. (George)
Bev Berry Berry, B.C. (Bev)
Bevan, L.O.
Bird, R.L.
Bird, S.L.
Bissett, D.F.
Blackie Blaquiere Blacquiere, E.J.
Keith Blenkarn Blenkarn, K.
Botten, R.H. (Ron)
Boxall, P
Boyce, J.S.G.
Boyco, R.
Boyes, E.S.
Doug Brabner Brabner, D (Doug)
Dutch Brandt Brandt (Dutch)
Bill Braaten Bratten, W.J. (Bill)
Bremner, W.M.
Bridges, J.
Glenn Bright - 1972 Bright, G.M. (Glenn)
Brisebois, R.J.
Brodie, J.
PercyBrookes Brookes, P. (Percy)
Bill Brownlee Brownlee, W.J.
Bruce, D.P.
Buck Buchanan Buchanan J. (Buck)
Brad Buckle Buckle, S.B.(Steve)
Budd, E.B.
Bullock, R.
Burgess, A.
Burgess, F.E.
Burton, H.A.
Lorne Burwash Burwash, L.M.
Bushell, W. (Bill)

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Cadieux, R.
Bruce Cameron Cameron, A.B.(Bruce)
Cameron, S.C. (Stan)
Campbell, W.J.
Carlson, Roy
Caron, L.
Carr, C.J.
Carr, S.
Carr Carr. X
Carter, M.T.
Carver, Dave
Ed Catapan Cattapan, E.A.
Vince Cavanagh Cavanagh, E.V
Chadwick, A.A

Fred Chatwin Chatwin, F.C.
Chenier, J.G.R
Chestnut, J.B.
Chessel, (Chesal?)
Chew, W.G.
Chiasson, JAE  Chiasson, J.A.E
Chinnick, R.F.
Bob Chow Chow, G.Y.(Bob)
Christie, R.
Stan Clark Clark, S (Stan)
Clift, E.R.
Cluff, H.D.
Coderre, J.E. (Jack)
  Cook, H.C.
Cook, K.M.
cook Cook, T (Tommy)
Cooke, W.D.
Colley, A.R.
M.E. Collins Collins, M.E.
Mitch Collins Collins, M.S.P.
Coombes, M.I.
Pat Coombes Coombes, P.
Cosco, J.
Cote, R.
Cotton, R.N.
Coutts, R.D.
E.G. Cowley Cowley, E.G.
Cram, D.
Crickmore, P.
Cripps, R.J.H. (Jim)
Crooks, W.C.
Doug CroweCrowe, D.G.
Ed Crowe Crowe, E.D.F.
  Crowell, H.C,
R Cuddeford Cuddeford, R.
Currie, J.H.W.
Currie, W.H.
Curtis, E.
Curtis, J.H.
J Cumming Cumming, J

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Dalman, Herman
H.E. Dalmer Dalmer, H.A.
Daniels, W.
L. Darlinson Darlinson, L.
Davies, E.J.
C.R. Davis Davis, C.R.
Davis, R.D.
Davis, T.A.
Dawson, G.P.
Wilf Dawson Dawson, W.H. (Walt)
Deckert, M.
George Desjardin Desjardins, G.
Deveau, F.J.
Dewitt, B.D.
Dexter  Dexter,J.A.
Mike Dhont Dhont, Joseph Marcel (Mike)
GT Donohue Donohue, GT
Doran, J.J.
Dorman, A.F.
Douglas, D.J. (Jim)
Douglas, W.W.
Johnny Draginda Draginda, J.
Gordon Drinnan Drinnan, G.H.
Drummond, T.R.
Dulude, J.R.P.
Dunn, F.
M.E. Duquette Duquette, M.E.

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Earnshaw, A.
Eddie Ebbs Ebbs, E.J. (Eddie)
Edmonds, J.
Edmonds, N.
Edwards, E.
Edwards, J.R.
Elder, S.G.
ER Ellis Ellis, E.R.
Gordon Ellis Ellis, G.A.
Net Ellis Ellis, N.
Elsted, D. (Dennis)
Tommy Elwell Elwell, A.G.T.S.
Jeff Elwood Ellwood, G.G.W. (Geoff)
Emdin, J.J. (Ding)
Peter George Engler Engler, P.G.
John Esdon Esdon, J.E.
John EwachewskiEwachewski, J (John)
Ewing, M.H. (Harry)

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