Beames, D.W. (Denny)
Boychuck, P. (Pete)
Bradshaw, R. (Reeves)
Budd, E.B.
Chiovelli, NF. (Nino)
Kot, J. (Johnny)
Fage, K. (Ken)
Faulds, A. (Art)
Fitzgerald, L. (Larry)
Gallinger, L. (Lyle)
Grosse, H. (Harry)
Hayes, R. (Bob)
Haywood, J. (Joe)
Headquist, Cliff. (Junior)
Logan, D. (Dave)
McElrea, J. (Jack)
Stewart, K. (Ken)
Warrington, J. (Gook)
Woodard, R. (Ralph)
Yonkers, K. (Kevin)
The Linemen who worked on the System were not technically a part of it since they were not actually posted to the NWT&Y Radio System nor taken on strength at any of the stations. They belonged to other units (in latter years that would have been One Line Troop) and were detatched to the stations on temporary duty as required.
Nevertheless, their role in building and maintaining the System was fundamental as they constructed and maintained the antennae infrastructure and power transmission lines at the stations. They were a crucial element in making the System work (on parallel with their unique role in the universe.)
A memorial dedicated to the people who built and operated the Northwest Terrirtories and Yukon Radio System would be incomplete without the inclusion of the Linemen. Therefore we have included a separate section here for them since, otherwise, they would not appear on this site because they were not on the nominal rolls of the System stations.
There were obviously many, many more Linemen who worked on the System than appear in these pages. Because their names were not recorded on the nominal rolls we can rely only on anecdotal history to identify them. If any of our readers have information or photographs to add to these pages please get in touch with us at the following address: