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WO Frank Heath's history of RC Sigs station VEA

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Use of a makeshift counterpoise on our receiver also reduced the noise level and pick-up of excessive noise from grounded circuits and apparatus throughout town.

The winter of 1924-25 found us rapidly becoming expert with commercial procedure and accounting, which was now officially adopted; also with such things as Imprest Accounts, Clothing and Equipment Ledgers, Station Reports, Valve Reports, Engine Reports, Atmospheric Reports etc etc. Lt. Taber also became quite familiar with the 150 miles overland stage route to Mayo; he commuted between Dawson and mayo quite often.

Nothing of great moment or interest cropped up that winter except further efforts were made to filter out and reduce the ever prevailing and annoying local interferences. Attempts were also made quite often to tune in on outside broadcasts, but the results were still very discouraging. Then on May 13th 14th and 15th 1925 the Yukon River went on the rampage following the break up of the ice and flooded us out. At the height of the flood there was about 13;" of water in the operating room, and 23" in the part of the building housing our power plant. But as soon as danger of flood threatened we had dismantled all equipment - Delco, M.G.S., battery bank, Transmitter and Receiver - and lugged everything to the second floor of the old, abandoned E.C.M.P. barracks nicely situated for just such an emergency only 15 feet north of our station building. This move, although strenuous and hectic, saved all vital gear, and we were off the air no more than eight hours, and another six hours or so when we moved everything back after the flood waters had receded - and the sediment, junk and debris deposited in the station had been cleared out, and minor repairs made. Meanwhile, most of our wood pile and several empty oil drums floated away on the current and joined the medley and welter of old cabins, boxes, dog kennels, trees, cordwood and ice cakes which sailed majestically past us for many ours.

In June 1925 Sigmn. Routh was transferred back to Depot and Sigmn. Ted Glynn replaced him. Sgt. Heath went "outside' end of July to be married on Aug. 27th, and returned to Dawson with his bride early in September. By this time a more substantial and carefully designed counterpoise system had been erected to replace the temporary arrangement found so effective and efficient some months previously.

Things went along without unusual incident that winter. Of course we were seldom free of minor difficulties and worries such as weak signals, heavy local interference, temporary failures, engine and battery troubles, and numerous other trials and tribulations encountered and overcome as a matter of course and routine, and which in most cases turned out to be valuable experiences to be used and utilized to advantage later on. For instance, when our 150' single wire receiving aerial collapsed, we didn't relish the idea of working outdoor in 40 below zero temperatures at the time to repair it, but hooked the big 4 wire flat top to our receiver, with results that were literally

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