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WO Frank Heath's history of RC Sigs station VEA

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This new equipment caused quite a flutter' we were as excited as kids at Xmas as we carefully and eagerly delved into boxes and crates without number and brought to light strange and mysterious gadgets, pieces and parts; regular skeds and routine suffered considerably as we gradually scattered a huge mass of material and equipment all over the station prior to tackling the job of assembly and erection.

Armed with instruction books in one hand and blueprints in the other we approached the installation and final tuning job with a certain amount of nervousness and trepidation, which soon wore off as we became familiar with the various preliminary stages and phases of the installation. Due to many interruptions and limited personnel, progress was necessarily slow, and it was late in July before we had the new gear set up and on the air.

Now we were all set with lots of power - a whole 1000 watts when necessary - on long wave; and 200 watts output on short wave, and first class modern equipment, including radio-telephone facilities which, to us at that time, was quite a novelty. But strange to relate, the 1 K.W. job never did work with any outstanding degree of efficiency on its full rated output, and when it did, would not kick out any stronger signal than when on half power, at which setting we normally worked it with no better results than obtained with the old reliable SITD.500. But our PT.200, although not behaving according "to the book" (and never had) did boost our morale and pride considerably, with good strong signals and clear voice - whenever conditions were favourable. With the advent of the IT.200 , and to a lesser extent the 1 K.W. job, we had another worry to contend with - RELAYS, and their adjustment and maintenance. We soon discovered we had a much more complicated and delicate affair to handle than ever before.

However, by now the White Pass & Yukon Route had introduced summer and winter air transportation into Dawson and district. Three planes, including a Ford tri-motor job, were put into service as early as 1935, but the service was rather erratic and haphazard until the planes were radio equipped and contacted by us in that summer of 1937. Then our work and routine increased by leaps and bound, as frequent contacts with planes in flight helped maintain them on some degree of regular schedule by providing weather and landing data etc etc.

A call for assistance brought Cpl. Jack Coderre to our aid in 1938., and after four years of steady daily routine as a two operator station he was received with great glee and jubilation because new we could take a day off occasionally; go see the doctor and dentist, and get acquainted with our family again. Incidentally, now Major Taber visited us this summer on an inspection tour, and he was with us for several days before departing for outside again.

The rather ideal three operator set-up didn't last long, however. War was declared in Sept. 1939, and a few days later Coderre was posted back to Depot, and left Heath, Reid and the messenger once more "on their own".

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