"Gris" Griswold's Daily Journal
© Deborah Cousins 2012



Wednesday, Jan 01, 1930

            Well, to start the new year right I changed to a new ribbon on the mill. As Joe took the Meteors  and there was no Aero Wix to go, I was set for a real sleep. Frank Campbell came in at 11:00 and came upstairs to wake us up and wish us a Happy New Year. We both got up and I started breakfast while Joe took the 11 AM call. Frank stayed and talked to us for nearly and hour and had a cup of coffee with us before going back. Joe and I got in and cleaned up the place as Pearsons are coming for supper. We had goose for supper tonight. When we were ready to stuff it we found that we were out of bread so I went uptown. I went to Conibears and got 3 cabbages, fresh, and a can of peas, then stopped at Lanouettes for bread. I got back at 15:45 and was stuffing the goose when Syd Porter and R. McDougal came in. They were here for an hour. Pearsons arrived at 18:30 and everything was just about done. The goose was perfect and with the finest brown I ever saw. We roasted potatoes with it and had cabbage and peas, rhubarb and some of Joe’s Christmas cake. We had some of the wine I made last summer too. It is fine but a little sour. After supper Mrs Pearson and Joe played Jack and I three games of bridge and we won. They left at 01:30 and Joe and I came downstairs and got the fires going properly for the night. The temperature dropped a way down today. It has been around zero to ten below for the past ten days but it went to 48 below today. The distilled water in the engine room was frozen but the bottle wasn't hurt.  We left the fires slightly open and went to bed but later on when the heat came upstairs, it was so hot that I couldn't sleep. I found that it was still cold downstairs. The cold was coming in from under the doors. I let it go and was still awake at 03:00. I don't know when I went to sleep…….


Thursday, Jan 02 Temp -48

            ……but it seemed like only a few minutes when the alarm went off. I took the Meteors but when I went to call Edm the batteries were so low that all I could get out of the generator was 110 volts instead of 2000. I discovered that several of the cells beside the ventilator were frozen, sot solidly but enough to offer a resistance. I tried to get the Delco going but it was 06:10 before I did. The stoves were warm enough but with 47 below outside the cold came in under the doors and it was cold on the floor. I called Edm but couldn't get an answer and VEC at Simpson called me saying VED had not been on yet this AM. VEC had one for me so I took it and went back to the Delco. When I came back Edm was still silent so I asked Simpson to take my weather and he did. His message was for an Aero Wix at 08:00 from here and Resolution. It was 07:30 before I was all ready, so I came up and lit the fire and dress. At 08:00 I got Resolution and gave him Simpson's Aero request and then sent my weather to Simpson. The coffee was cooked by then so I ate breakfast and read till 09:00 and then called Edm. Took their traffic and Jack came in and relieved me. I worked on the books the rest of the morning. After dinner I was so sleepy that I laid down for a snooze. It was 12:30 and I set the alarm for 13:00 and fell asleep. Joe came in and shut the alarm off before it rang so that I could get a decent sleep. Then at 13:00 he took my place on the set till 14:00, when Jack came back. I slept till 14:30 and felt a lot better. As Jack was using the big mill for the Press and I can't do much with the little one, I carried wood and did other chores for the rest of the afternoon.  I was going to go to bed early tonight but after supper Joe went uptown and I played the mandolin for about an hour then started to write a letter to Paul Westland and when I signed off there was 8 long pages of it. Joe came back about 23:00 and we had a cup of tea and toast then chewed the rag for a couple of hours and it was 01:45 when I finally got to bed. It was quite early. While Joe was uptown I decided to take a flashlight of our cat "Alexander Nazarre". I set him on the back of the chesterfield chair and when I set the flash off I shut my eyes while it was lit. I heard 2 noises. There was a phooof-thump. The two so were close together that it sounded as if the same thing made the 2 but the proof was made by the flash powder and the thump was Nazarre landing about halfway down the stairs. I would like to have seen the leap, I'll bet it was a dandy. When he came back upstairs he stopped on the top step and took a peek around before coming up. I also took a picture of the 2 large pictures of Nona that she sent in and one of Sonny's for Joe.


Friday, Jan 03

            Finished entering Dec.s business in the daybook by quitting time but will have to borrow the adding machine from the Govn't house before adding them up. Some of the columns are too long to trust. Save hours anyway with the adding machine. Mail was expected today but did not come. After supper, Const. Browne came down with the RCMP radio N.E. Super, for me to rebuild. They all had a go at it and it is all to pieces. None of them could get it back together let alone wire it up. I told him to come down Monday night as I would get started on it then. He wants to see it wired up so I told him that I would not work on it excepting when he was here to see how it went. We listened to the radio till bedtime. It was very good tonight. We listened to the fight from KNX and Joe's man won. That is the first time he has won since we started listening to it. We both went to bed about 01:00. 48 bellow again today.



Saturday, Jan 04

            I got up at 11:30 today and went uptown. i developed the negatives that I took of the pictures the other night but they were not very good. The glare from the oilcloth on the table struck the lens. The one I took of Sonny was very good though. It was 50 below during the night and when I got home it was 36 below during the night and it took 4 hours to get it warm. Even then, the cold drafts were coming in thru the cracks around the doors. If we are to stay in the North another winter, the Conibears are going to do a  H….. of a lot of work on the house or we move. The house Godsells used to live in is empty and can be had for $20/month. I came home about 18:30 and found Joe was uptown. He went to Lanouettes for supper. I cooked a light supper then read my mail. The mail got in today at 13:30 and Joe was up and got it about 15:00. I went to the PO at 16:00 and it had all been taken. I got 2 letters from Nona, the geographic and some literature on the new Mercury Super Ten, using the large tubes. The new set is a dandy and will be my next set. Went to bed at 01:00


Sunday, Jan 05

            I had intended going home today and doing some prints for Nona to send away but the temperature was still 44 below so I didn't leave the station. I stayed in bed till nearly noon, then got up and made the breakfast. While Joe put the Push-pull amplifier on his set, I made out a hookup for him of the whole set as it is now in. It has ten tubes now and is really a marvellous machine. I have some tracing cloth and will trace the circuit for myself for future reference. After supper Jack phoned and asked us to come over for a game of bridge. Joe called his brother up at Cormorant Lake and chewed the rag with him for half an hour from 20:00 to 20:30, then we went over. Mrs Pearson and I played Joe and Jack this time and although we won the first two rubbers out of four, the opponents carried the better score points winning by a margin of about 350. I had very good luck myself but Mrs Pearson had tough breaks with the others usually having as many trumps and stops at that. Usually the trumps were all in one hand against her. We returned about 01:30 and went to bed.


Monday, Jan 06

            I took the set over  and let Joe sleep till after 11:00. He got up and cooked dinner. I worked on the DR's and statements most of the day when not on the set and when I took the Press and messages uptown this afternoon, I borrowed the adding machine from Paul and balanced up the accounts and books for December. I worked on them till 21:30. We managed to get Billy Berens down today and he brought in a weeks supply of wood for us. It is worth a dollar not to have to cut and haul wood in this weather. it was around 44 to 46 below all day. The skies are clear and the wind has dropped but that does not mean a change in the weather until the change of the moon which is due on the 7th, tomorrow. It hope it changes for the better. The radio was real good tonight.


Tuesday, Jan 07

            I slept till noon today and Joe and I went to Lanouettes for dinner as there was some messages to go uptown, so why cook dinner. It was a good dinner, too. I went up to the house and got the fires going. Was going to have a bath, but found after the place was warm enough, that the white lead that I had fixed the leak with had frozen and was not set. It was all softened up again as soon as the temperature raised a bit. I printed a few pictures while I was waiting for the place to warm. I went down to Lanouettes for supper and expected Joe but he didn't show up .The town was very quiet today. It usually is from November 01 to May 01 anyway, but it was exceptionally so today.The temperature during the night was 54 below and it was between 48 and 50 nearly all day. It was warming up a bit this evening though. The temperature tonight was 34 below. When I got back to the station it was 19:30 and Const. WR Browne of the RCMP was here. Joe was fixing his set again tonight trying to get a noise out of it. Joe and Browne played crib for an hour while I made out a list of the pictures I printed telling what they were about. I made them to send to Nona who will sent them to Westland. Went to bed about 01:00.


Wednesday, Jan 08 Temp -48

             Not much business at the station today so we managed to get a little farther with the back work. Today is Mrs Pearsons birthday, age unknown, and Joe and I were asked over to the house this evening. We went over at 20:00 and spent the evening playing bridge. Again Mrs Pearson and I held up the light end of the handle and were trimmed by about 2500 points. On our way home we noticed that the Northern Lights were very low. They were just at the tops of the trees and at the station under the serial. They began to climb higher just after we got in. We turned the radio on just as soon as we got in  to see if the NLs had any effect on reception but noticed nothing out of the ordinary. there was no difference in reception, a short time later when they had disappeared entirely. that is the second time in 5 years that I have been here that they were real low. the last time was about 4 years ago when they were between me and the hotel and from where I was seemed to be about 10 feet from the ground. I went under them to see what effect they had but there was nothing. They just appeared as a strange light, quite clear and moving, yet silent and a little awe inspiring. It is very unlike going into a light from a flashlight or from a window. They cast no shadow, unless exceptionally bright and yet they cannot be described properly. We went to bed at 03:00


Thursday, Jan 09

            I was on the set  and let Joe sleep till nearly noon. Between calls I managed to type out the accounts and during the afternoon when I took the Press uptown, I collected them.  It is turning warmer now. Today it was only about 22 below.  While I was uptown I went home and lit the furnace to keep the chill and frost out of the house as I am going up tomorrow. Billy Berens came out to the station after supper and we set him to work carrying in wood and filling the boxes up and emptying the slops.

            We got most of the mess bills today, they are as follows:

            Ingraham, meat from Oct 01 to Dec 31                                         40.50

            HBC groceries, etc for Dec                                                         28.80

            Conibears for Dec groceries, etc                                                 5.00

                                                                                                Total     74.20

            That is 37.10 each, not bad when one of them is from Oct 01. The radio was very good tonight. Went to bed a little after 32:00.


Friday, Jan 10

            I slept in till 11:00 then went up to the house and it the fires. I had intended taking a run on the trap line to see what was doing but it had turned a lot warmer and the snow is wet. When the house was warm enough, I printed a bunch of snaps to sent out to Nona and some for Jack Pearson. I ate at Lanouettes both dinner and supper. I came back to the station at 20:00 and I listened to the radio till bedtime.


Saturday, Jan 11

            Today Jack and I worked on the books and checking stores to finish the annual requisitions. They should have been in Ottawa by Dec 31, but we have had os little time that it was impossible to get them done before. I collected a few accounts uptown with the Press. It was still warm all day but the snowing has stopped. After supper Joe and I went over to Pearsons and had a couple of rubbers of bridge and was again on the wrong side of the score sheet. They went ahead about 400 points but we decided to give them a trimming yet. We have had bum luck the last few times that we have played. I saw Calaghan again today and he said that he could not afford the radio set that I have that he was going to get. It is a 5 tube Westinghouse model 51 that I got in a trade from Charlie Hilker for the Mercury he bought last fall. Charlie gave me the 51 and 200 dollars for the Mercury. I offered it to Cal for $80. The 51 is a 5 tube set having 2 stages tuned neutralized RF and 2 stages AF with single drum dial control and as I have a set of Intermediate Frequency transformers that Leggo gave me out of Godsells old set, I think I will make a new Super Heterodyne. I was figuring up what it would cost to finish it and without the cabinet it will come to about 30 dollars more and I will have a ten tube set. I wired to "Pirt and Pirt" for the push pull AF transformers and a few small things that I will need and decided to bring down a few things that are laying around the house that can be used. I got back to the station about 20:00 and Joe and I listened to the radio till bedtime. It was very good tonight. I answered a lot of my mail while the radio was on. The mail got in this afternoon about 15:30.


Sunday, Jan 12

            Today was my day on the set. I got all calls OK. It was 15 above day as the weather has been mild for several days, Joe and I went out and tried out the cars. I got mine going with no trouble so we decided to go uptown. The wide sleighs have been over the trails and they are fairly well beaten down. We had trouble getting out to the road and had to dig most of the way. We brought a shovel and a small wash tub.. We started about 16:00 and it was 17:00 by the time we got to the top of the hill this side of Pearsons. I left the car there and came back and took the Meteors and sent them then we both got ready for supper and went back to the car. It had cooled off a bit by then and seemed to have more power. I tightened up the low gear band and we started once again. I was about 17:45 when we got back to the car and we were up to the cemetery by six. The going was fine along that stretch but we ran into some big drifts across the plains that were hard on top but we broke thru. We had to dig most of the way thru there. We were about half way when we quit and went and ate supper at Lanouettes. Then we went back to the car. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the HBC. Once we were on the road the track was fine. The snow is beaten down hard. Every one seemed very much surprised to see the bus and Syd Leggo called us in. We went in and stayed there about an hour and started back. We met York, Browne, Burstall and Emerson on their way to Pearsons and they all piled into the car but with the extra weight and the trail still soft, we went thru when we started back across the plains. So they pushed and when I got going I kept on. We didn't have much trouble getting back and were home about 20:45. We went upstairs and wrote letters and listened to the radio till midnight then went to bed.


Monday, Jan 13

            I was up at the house this afternoon and printed some more snaps. I brought some more parts back to the station when I came. Pearsons were there when I got in. They had stayed for supper with Joe. They were just washing up the dishes when I came in. We played a few rubbers of bridge and we all thought that Joe and I were at the tail end again until the score was added up. Mrs Pearson insists on keeping score as no one else is accurate enough. When we were finished, she insisted in having the score added to see how much behind Joe and I were. Jack added the score and found that Joe and I were 700 up on them, then she was as mad as a hornet and insisted that something was wrong, that Jack had the columns twisted or something. She looked over them herself and then we gave her the razz. We get more kick out of pulling her leg than enough. She takes it so seriously too most of the time. They left about 01:30 and we went to bed.



Tuesday, Jan 14

            Turned cold again. It was down to 40 below today with a clear sunny sky and no wind to speak of. Jack and I finished the requisitions this morning and he went up with the Press and mailed it this afternoon. I worked on the books while Jack was up and looked after the set. He got back about 17:15. After supper I fastened the parts for the set to the baseboard then we turned on the radio and listened to it till 01:15. It was the best tonight that it has been for some time. The mail plane that came the other day broke a tail skid when landing here so they phone to Walt who came over with his acetylene torch and tried to repair it but couldn't do much down on the river bank. So he too it back to the Halfway and fixed it there and came back about 06:00. It was made of aluminum and he didn't think it would hold out long. They were to get a new one when back in McMurray anyway. They got away from here at 09:30 and when turning around on the ice at Fitz, broke it again and had to send it back to the Halfway. It was reinforced this time and will hold out till they get back to McMurray. It was Wop May's plane. We went to bed at midnight.


Wednesday, Jan 15

            Nothing of interest today. Working on statements and books. Temperature about 20 below.


Thursday, Jan 16

            It was too cold today to go out so I slept in till noon then stuck around the station. I started on my new set. It is a new Super ten tube. I had most of the parts laying around so got them mounted on a baseboard and played with them most of the time. After supper Joe went uptown then brought Billy Lyall and York back to the station with him. They stayed listening to the radio till after midnight. I was very good too. We got to bed about 01:30.


Friday, Jan 17

            I brought the business UTD then checked the receipt vouchers for the year. Have to work  at nights and at odd minutes on the ledgers as time is so short here. After supper I went uptown with the messages and met Kirk of the RCMP from Reliance, who came in with Williams. they came across country from Snowdrift and got 3 caribou. I got back to the station at 09:00 and Joe came back at 10:00. York and Steve Yanick were with him. Steve is in the market for a new radio and York put him onto Joe. They came out to hear it. It was real good tonight and Steve was very much impressed. They left at 02:00. Listening to the fight from Hollywood tonight, my man won. That is another dollar I win from Joe. I have won 4 and he has won 2.


Saturday, Jan 18

            On the books all day. After supper I was going to do some night work but company came in and I didn't get a chance.


Sunday, Jan 19

            I went home this morning and developed 2 films that I had then went around and picked up all my fox traps but one. I couldn't find it on account of the deep snow but I don't think there is anything in it.  I went over to Conibears and stayed there till supper time and went to Lanouettes. After supper I came back to the station and Joe and I went over to Pearsons and beat them at bridge. We were 2250 up on them. Bed at 02:00.


Monday, Jan 20

            Bert came into town this morning. He stopped at the station on his way in. He brought Joe and I a big trout and a whitefish. He gave Pearson a trout too. He also brought in his radio set for me to look at. It hasn't been working very good. he left it with Lyall but couldn't get anything on it. I looked it over after super and found a wire unsoldered, so fixed it up. Tried it out during the evening and found a dud tube too. It is OK now and he will pick it up tomorrow on his way back. Jack and I were talking about a moose hunt and before he went home for supper he came upstairs and told us that the business was a little slacker and if we wanted to go it was OK with him. Joe doesn't care to go. He isn't fond of big game hunting and Jack can't go because there is no place for Evelyn to stay while he is away. But me, Oh boy! will I go. When Bert came up this evening I told him that I would go back with him when he came back next trip. We decided on Feb 08. It means that I will have to do a lot of night work between now and then to get the ledgers, etc off and the business UTD and the Delco overhauled. The radio was real good all night and we listened to it till nearly 02:00 King George is to speak at the Naval Parly and it is going to be broadcast over a world wide chain. It is about 04:00 that it will be heard here and this morning at 4:30 our alarms wet off and……….


 Tuesday, Jan 21

            …….. Joe got up and tuned in Winnipeg. I stayed in bed and listened to it. We heard King George OK and it was very clear and plenty of volume. Joe sat up listening to it until Meteor time but I fell asleep again before then. I got up at 09:00 and took the set over and called Joe at 10:30. VED had a coulee of long ones and they wanted Joe on as I am still a little slow for a bunch of long messages. I went on with the books. Bert came down for a few minutes this morning but decided no to go back today. He will stay over till tomorrow to see if the weather clears a bit. After supper I worked till 21:30 in the books, etc. Mr & Mrs Pearson came in then and we played bridge till 01:30. Mrs Pearson was not feeling well tonight. She's having trouble with her stomach. Bilious attacks quite often, etc. Joe and I won by 124 points. We got to bed at 02:30 and had both said that we were going to bed at 23:00.


Wednesday, Jan 22

            Mrs Pearsons sick again this morning and she called Jack home just before dinner time. I phoned a little later and told him that he had better stay there the rest of the day and I would look after things here for him. He did. After supper I worked in the office again till after 21:00 when Burstall came in and chewed the rag for a while. We both went upstairs then and he stayed till about 23:00. It was no good going back to work then and so I read a few short stories out of the Feb. Cosmopolitan and listened to the radio. It was no so good tonight. We got to bed at 01:30 again.


Thursday, Jan 23

             I started on the ledgers this morning and kept at it all day with the exception of a few minutes that I went uptown for the Draft for Dec's business. Joe went uptown  and phoned at17:00 to tell me he wouldn't be home for supper. I had a cup of tea and toast with crabapple jelly then went back to the ledgers. I had finished copying out the new copy to go to Ottawa by 19:45 then did one days business in the DRs book. It was 20:20 when I finished that, so called it a day. I read for a while then listened to the radio. I put the kettle on at midnight and Joe came in just as it was at the boil. We had a cup of tea and some new bread that York gave him. It was homemade. Mrs C. Loutit made it.


Friday, Jan 24

            Up early this morning and went to work on the ledgers and by suppertime had the new one copied out and ready to balance. Corpl. William RCMP Reliance and Kirk also of Reliance Post came in this afternoon for an hours chat. They took the Press and what messages were here and saved me a trip uptown. After supper I worked on the ledgers and finished them at 23:00. The copy for Ottawa is now ready and I have to copy the next years office one out yet. We had Billy Berens down again tonight carrying our wood. Bed at 00:30.


Saturday, Jan 25

            Snowing quite heavily today and windy although the thermometer stands at 26 above. I went home today at 11:00, and after lighting the fires went over to Conibears to wait for the house to get warm. They were almost ready for dinner so asked me to stay. I did. I gave them a months notice on the house and made arrangements about some of the furniture that they want to buy from us. Mrs Conibear wants the buffet and furnace and all our dinner dishes. As some of the dishes are broken and as I am not sure that I can pack them so that they will not get broken I think I will sell them then buy new set when I get out. I printed a bunch of snaps and had a good hot bath about 16:00. The mail arrived shortly after dinner & I got a letter from Nona. I answered it from home and mailed it on my way to supper.  I ate at Lanouettes. The Pearsons and Joe were there too. When we were going out they asked us over for a game of bridge about 21:00. We went over but they were not home. They told us that they might be away for the milk but to go on in. We did and waited till 23:00. Syd had got a couple of bottles today and as the Pearsons had to go there we figured that they had got snagged there so we decided to have some fun. We set the table in the front room with dirty dishes out of the pantry to look like we had a lunch, hid some of the ivory, and hung a kimono (housecoat) over the door between the kitchen and the front room then went home and lit the fires. We were just sitting down to lunch when they came in. They had returned at 23:30 and seeing what we had been up to decided to retaliate so waited till they thought we were in bed then came over and were going to wake us up by throwing snow on us. We were up, however. As we were having tea and they like coffee I put the perk on as soon as they came in and we had a kind of party. As they couldn't get us out of bed they decided to keep us out so they stayed till 02:00. When they were going home they asked Joe and I over to dinner tomorrow at 18:00. We went to bed about 03:00.


Sunday, Jan 26

            I woke  shortly before the alarm went off at 05:30 and had a headache from the gas from the stove in the office. The stove was smoking and we had forgotten to open the window at the top of the stairs. The gas had a sweet sickening smell and was so thick you could almost cut it. I opened all the windows upstairs and the doors downstairs. It was 10 above so it wasn't too cold to sit at the set in pyjamas and work VED. Edm worked Simpson first this morning as I was not ready when he called me. I heard Simpson ask him to tell me that he wanted me. So while Edm was clearing the Meteors to the CNT, I worked Simpson. It was 06:10 when I went back to bed and the smoke had cleared out. I banked up the fires and fixed the office stove so it wouldn't smoke anymore. Joe was up at 08:00 and cleared some Aero weather reports from Simpson and Resolution then phoned it over to the planes at Fitz. I was on the set at all schedule periods today but traffic was light. I was finished at 17:45 then Joe and I went to Pearsons for supper. After supper we played bridge. Joe and I won. It was 03:00 before we got home.


Monday, Jan 27

            I was up at 5:30 and got the Meteors off ok then went back to bed till 9:00. I took the morning shift and let Joe sleep till 11:45. Jack was home today. Joe got up at 11:45 and put the dinner on, and after dinner I laid down for an hour and woke up at 16:50. I cooked supper then I worked on the ledgers until 21:00. When I quit them I entered up one days business on Form 7 and went upstairs and listened to the radio till time to go to bed.


Tuesday, Jan 28

            I slept till 10:00  then went  uptown. I went out over the trap line and when I came back I went over to see Willie McNeil. He is looking for some furniture so he came over to the house with me. He is going out to the trap line so told me that he would be in again on Easter and would get some then. He didn’t have any cash with him today. I went down to York then as I was told there was a letter there for me. It was from Bert. He sent an SOS up for some B batteries for his set. He discovered his were flat. I didn’t have any but York sent three of the ones he took out of his set. They will do till spring ok. Willie Heron was there and wanted to know how much I wanted for my sedan. I told him $500.00. I saw Walt the other day and he told me that if I had a chance to sell it to someone else to do so because he was a little short on cash and would be in the spring too. Willie wants to start a taxi this summer and wanted to have a sedan for it. He is trying to get York to back him in the deal. I hope he does  I do not want to take it outside with me. I can get a much better one out there for about $300.00 I met Sousie Marie too today. He has been in town a few days but is going back to the bush today. He wanted to know if I would sell him my boat, now that I am going outside. I told him I had to do a little fixing on it first then I would. He is to see me again when he comes in the spring. After supper I worked on the ledgers till 23:00. They are all finished excepting the clothing ledger and the office copies made out. We went to bed at 01:00.


Wednesday, Jan 29

            Word came thru this morning that Charlie Cooper’s father died last night at McMurray at midnight. The mail planes came in from the North so Charlie went out with them this afternoon. I brought the daily business UTD and started on some of the monthly reports. I did the valve reports up to the 15th then entered all the accounts to date. Will try to get the reports in the mail before I go away a week from Sunday. After supper I was fed up with the books so Joe and I cleaned up the living quarters. We did everything but scrub. When we finished we sat down to enjoy radio for a couple of hours and Bill Browne came in. We all listened to the radio for a while then decided to have a game of cards. As poker and black jack were the only games that we all knew that three could play at, Joe got the poker chips out and we started. We played till 01:00. We played penny ante and I won $2.00 then we had a lunch and went to bed.


Thursday, Jan 30

            I was on the set all morning and the books all afternoon.  After supper I worked on the clothing ledgers and finished them at 23:00 then went upstairs and listened to the radio till bed time.


Friday, Jan 31

            Went uptown shortly after dinner, Mrs McPherson wanted to come up to the home and see the furniture that I want to sell. She wants the bed, dresser, chiffonier and radio table. The mail came in so on my way back I picked it up and came out to the station. I got back about 16:00. I got a letter from Nona, Mother and some business letters and circulars. The radio parts that I had ordered came and I did about two hours work on the set. I have it about half finished. Tonight we tuned in the Hollywood fight and my man won by a knockout in the first round.

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