"Gris" Griswold's Daily Journal
© Deborah Cousins 2012



Saturday, Sept 07

            Joe and I are going to Salt River Farm duck hunting this weekend. Jack told us he would work the station for the rest of the afternoon if we wanted to get away about 16:00 so that we could get the afternoon and evening shoot. Nona was invited to stay with Freda. It was 17:00 before we finally got away and we arrived at the farm at 19:00. It was too dark to get any hunting in so we went to the farm house and got things fixed up to camp. We had seen the Father and got the key from him. We went to bed about 22:00 and I woke up at ……….


Sunday, Sept 08

            ……. 04:00. I got up and got the fire going. Joe was up soon afterwards and while I cooked breakfast he cleaned up things. We got out to the creek before 05:30 and there were all kinds of ducks, I should say many ducks they were all Mallards. we were both used to the 16 ga. shot gun and Canuck shells and we brought along a 12 ga. and that long range Imperial ammo. the strange guns and ammunition kept us from getting near as many as we should have. There was no reason why we should not have got 100 but we only got 9. It was noon before we found that the shot was not spreading until beyond the range we were shooting and during the afternoon the ducks were scarce. We wanted to cross the swamps before it got dark. We got back to Smith at 18:15. We had supper at Joe's then I gave Joe 4 Mallards and took 3 over to Jack and brought 2 young ones and 2 chickens home. We got home and to bed at midnight.


Monday, Sept 09

            Worked on the books getting balanced with VEC. Nothing doing this evening. Mrs Behn was over for a while.


Tuesday, Sept 10

            Up at 09:00 and printed pictures till noon. When Nona got up we worked most of the day packing up her trunk and cleaning house. Walt came over in the evening with the new Dodge and we went for a ride. I drove it and it is sure a beat. I was off today. We have started our winter schedule again.


Wednesday, Sept 11

            Got VEC straightened our today OK and started to fix up VEH. They are 10 cents out with us. Found the difference on 39 and 31. I was on the set myself most of the morning and for a while this afternoon. Mrs Behn and Nona came down to the station this afternoon and Mrs Behn curled Nona's hair. She looked dandy too. Mrs Behn was up to the house for a couple of hours during the evening. We went to bed at 00:30. Looked like frost tonight so I drained the car. First one this year.


Friday, Sept 13

            Off today, I got up at 09:00 and printed pictures till 10:00 then while Nona was out, I went over to the cemetery and fixed up Nadene's grave. I put a heavy wooden border around it then filled it level with soil and fixed it ready to plant flowers on it next spring. Slim Behn has a 32 hp Johnson motor and told me to come down and try it on my boat. We all went down but the engine is too powerful for my boat. Instead of getting  any more speed out of it we only made about 10 mph. The engine took all the water from under the boat. We had supper on the Laird. Emerson was with us. There was supposed to be a dance at Lanouettes so we went over. No one was there and we found out that everyone had gone to Fitz so we went over. We stopped at Mories first and had some coffee and sandwiches. Then we went up to the dance hall just in time for the windup. We left there about 01:00 and arrived at Smith at 02:30. The roads are terrible. Mr & Mrs Harry Behn, Emerson, the cook at the Halfway, Walt, Nona and I were in the party. We went to bed at 03:00.


Saturday, Sept 14- Nona goes outside

            Went to the station to see if Joe would work for me today and I'd take Monday, but he cut me short and said he was going to Salt River hunting. Nona came out with me to take the car back. Jack told me to take what part of the afternoon off I needed and at 11:00 I went uptown to find Nona. We found out that the Echo was leaving tonight and that the Athabasca River would not catch the train. We had dinner at Lanouette's then after seeing most everyone we went on over to Fitz. We stopped at the Halfway to say goodbye to Mrs Ryan but she is going too. We got to Fitz about 15:00 the roads are in terrible shape yet. We had tea with Tom Pearce and Mrs Morie then I had to start back. Walt gave Nona a pair of white deer skin moccasins with fish scale work for a present. On the way back to Smith I met Willie Lyall about 4 miles from Fitz broken down. Bert was still with him. Bert flew down from Fort Providence with Punch this morning and landed at Fitz just before we got there. Didn't see him while there though. He is not married yet. Waited for the boat to come to take them to Hay River but couldn't wait any longer as he has to get out to the trap lines to fish. I went straight to the station and Jack was smothered in work. Took 17 and sent 23 while I was away. We stayed and worked till 18:30 then I took the messages uptown and had supper at Lanouettes. I stopped at the hotel to see Slim and his wife and had a snort with them then went down to see Frank's new radio. I am going to show him how to connect it up. I listened to the radio till about 22:00 then went to bed.


Sunday, Sept 15

            This is my week for Meteors. Had to get up at 04:30 and got to the station at 05:00. Took the Meteors and sent them to VED (Edm) and made a date with him for noon then came home and went back to bed. Slept till 09:30 and got up and had breakfast same as usual. Dirty wind blowing all day and it snowed for about 2 hours.  At noon I worked EDM. VEH ( RES ) and VEC ( Simpson ) finishing about 14:00. I came back uptown and Frank came over to tell me that the aerial gear was here so I went over and helped him hook up his set. It was nearly 16:00 when I got away from there so I came home, fixed the furnace and went back to the station. It was 18:20 when I finished. I took one from VEC and was going down to deliver it when Jack met me and told me to come in and have supper. They were having duck, some of those Joe and I got for them last week. I left there at 20:00 and took the message down to the Transport then went to the hotel to try out Frank's set. Could get KOMO but not half as loud as on Bert's set or my own. Frank listened to his for a few minutes with his ear in the horn then came around and listened to Bert's till time to go to bed. The hotel was packed tonight with a bunch that came up from Resolution with Loutit. Bert came over to gather up some of his stuff and we sat and talked till midnight then I went to bed. Bert slept on the couch.


Monday, Sept 16

            Up at 04:45 and at the station at 05:00. Lit a fire before taking Meteors. Sent Meteors to Edm and made a date with him as soon as he finished with VEC. I sat there till 06:30 when he called me. I had 6 long night letters so sent them. It was 07:00 before I finished and I told Joe who was there that he'd better hold the rest till 09:00. I cleaned up the operating room then came home and slept till 09:30. Bert was up and had breakfast ready when I got up. While he was getting his stuff together I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. He helped me clean up the front room. We moved the radio outfit over in the corner under the clock and the buffet over where the radio was, the bookcase is between the radio and the window and the bear in the front room looks fine that way too. The case of jam from home arrived about 14:30. Cal brought it. I unpacked it and put it away in the basement. Freda came up and invited me down  for supper- duck. They got 8 when they were out on Saturday, all Mallards. Freda told me that there was a registered letter for me at the PO. It was the one from Raney that I was expecting. There was a cheque for $110 and an order for $75.50. The order was made out to Raney instead of me and he did not endorse it so I sent it back on the Liard to him to sign. I paid the HBC $100 then came home and worked till time to dress and go to supper. I was as hungry as a bear. I had gone over to the hotel (Lanouettes) with Bert for dinner and in the first bite I was taking (which was cauliflower) I found a caterpillar. I ate half a pie and drank a cup of hotel tea and called it a meal. The supper at Freda's was, as always, splendid. We had roast duck, mashed potatoes and mashed turnips and jelly with bananas inlaid, all started off with Sandmans wine- just a minute till I have a drink of my own. After supper and the dishes were washed we played 2 rubbers of dummy bridge. I had a fair streak of luck and won both. I left there about 22:00 and when I got home Walt was here waiting for me. We sat and talked till 23:00 then went to bed. He is over here with a boat that he brought across. He is supervising the launching of it.


Tuesday, Sept 17

            Up at 05:00 and down to the station for Meteors. Joe and Jack had the table clear for me this morning so all I had to send was the Wix. I was back him by 06:00 and went back to bed till 08:30. I was on the Key all this morning and worked on books all afternoon. It was too cold for comfort last night and I had drained the car. It is a nuisance getting up every morning and filling the radiator so I filled it up with Coal Oil. I will use it now till I have to put the car away. I had dinner at Lanouettes and it was real good. I ate supper there too then I went down the hill to watch the launching of the boat. It is one of the best that has come into the country. The wagons that were carrying it broke down on the hill newer the old scow and they had to put the ways from the water up to it. I was there watching them with Captain Smallie until after 20:00. It was getting dark then so they quit for the night. I brought Walt up the hill and dropped him off at Lanouettes as the crew had no supper yet. Then I came home. It was nice and warm in here. Walt came in about 23:30 and we listened to the radio till 22:00. It was perfect tonight and the first real good night that we have had this fall. Walt was talking about the piano tonight. He said it was coming over this week if the trucks were not crowded. We went to bed about 23:30.


Wednesday, Sept 18

            Never heard the alarm this morning and woke up at 06:00. Should have had the Meteors off at 5:45. I was at the station and had the Meteors taken and coded at 06:08. Not bad when the station is exactly 1 mile away. Lizzie did her stuff this morning all right. I had to wait till 06:15 for Simpson to quit before I could get a hold of VED. When I did I worked thru with him. There was a bunch of Blacks and rushes that came in late last night. I cleared the table of everything and came back uptown at 08:00. I stopped at Lanouettes and had breakfast. Then I came home and cleaned up and went back.


Thursday, Sept 19

            Down at the station at 05:30. Had nothing to send excepting the Meteors so came back and went to bed with intentions of getting up at nine but slept till after ten. When I got up I cleaned house for a while then got ready for dinner. I ate at Lanouettes and after dinner came home and printed pictures till 15:00.  I was just going out hunting when Mrs Smith came up with some negatives. She sat and talked till 16:30 then I went out to the mountain Portage to look at the bear trap. Nothing there yet, but the bait was gone. I got back about supper time and then came home and started to read "Romance of Two Worlds" by Marie Corelli. I find it most interesting and instructive. I trimmed up all the pictures I printed and put some in my new album. Am reprinting all my smaller pictures having titled all the negatives and numbered them and will put them in the album rotation. Retired at 23:00.


Friday, Sept 20

            Had to send my Meteors to Simpson this am as VED did not come on at 06:00 and I wanted to get back home. I stopped at Lanouettes and had breakfast then came home and read my book till 09:00. Worked on accounts for a while this morning then took the Key till dinner time. After dinner I went back on the Key till press time, 14:30. From then till quitting time, I read stories from a magazine and talked to Jack. I got things lined up to finish all reports and things in the morning. After supper young O'Coffey came in for his pictures and stayed till about 22:00. I went to bed as soon as he left.


Saturday, Sept 21

            VED not on time again this morning so I gave the Meteors to VEC and went back home. I got a partridge on my way home last night from the station and intended to cook it for breakfast . However, after getting the fire and kettle hot, I discovered that there was no bread or butter in the house and it was too early to get it from the store, so I just went back to Lanouettes and ate. I took the Key till 09:30 then worked on books the rest of the day. I was talking to Bill for a few minutes he told me that he had met Nona at the station and that all was well. Walt and I planned to go to Salt River tonight for a duck hunt but at supper time I was told to call the Halfway. I figured that it was a call to say Walt couldn't go and it proved to be correct. One of the trucks broke down on the Portage a mile on the other side of the Halfway and Walt was just getting ready to go out to fix it when I called. We called the trip off till my next day off, Wednesday. I came home and finished reading my book then decided to take another initiation ceremony in the AMORC. Nearly all of these ceremonies must be taken in solitude, hence the fact that they may be taken away from a lodge. It is a good thing too in my case as I would have to stay in the first degree until I got back outside. I was arranging my sanctum, which is now fixed in the bedroom, when I discovered that I was out of an essential part of apparatus, namely incense. I went over to the Mission to see Father Laffont. He gave me some and we sat and talked for half an hour. I came back and fixed things up then went ahead with my second degree initiation. I will make out the report on it and send it out tomorrow. Went to bed about 23:30.


Sunday, Sept 22

            It was cold and wet most of today. I got up at 09:20 and lit a fire. I printed pictures till noon then went to Lanouettes for dinner. After dinner I came home and put the pictures on the ferrotype, then went and printed more. I finished up all that was on hand then printed a bunch of my small ones that I am putting into the new album. I finished up to 100. During the afternoon I read for a while as it was too miserable and cold to go out. The wind is from the North and the leaves are all blowing off the trees. Nearly all the leaves are gone from the poplar trees in front of the house. Paul came in this afternoon with a message and sat and talked for about an hour.After Paul went I put the rest of the pictures on the ferrotype and before I went to bed I had them all dried and trimmed. I was late for supper so ate with Joe, Jack, Mrs Smith and Dora. I sat and talked to them for about an hour after supper and all had some fun with Billie about his new girl. The mail got in today and I got a card for Nona from Waterways and a birthday present for her from her mother. I read the letter and put it into the parcel, wrapped it up and readdressed it and had just time to catch the mail before it closed. I didn't have time to even drop a line about it. I started to read "Heptameron" by Marguerite de Navarre tonight and read about 4 chapters before going to bed.


Monday, Sept 23

            Got up at 08:45 and went to the station. Jack was on with me today and as he was not there yet at 09:00, I took the call.There was a short one for VED. He had none for me. When Jack came I started on my books and finished up to the 8th. This is the first time since I have been here that we were behind in the booking and the business still keeps up heavy. Today we went 24 to VED and received 17, 3 in from VEC and 6 sent and 7 received from VEH. I took that little desk clock with the clamp and put it on the dashboard of the car today. I cut a two inch hole in the dash and cut the nickel frame that the clock was on to a square. It is right under the dash light and looks dandy. Tonight when I was coming home in the dark, I turned the dash light on to see how it looked and its jake. We got into communication with CFD the Dominion Explorers station at Stoney Rapids this afternoon at 16:15. Their signals are weak, about R4. They had a 100 watt transmitter and are working up about 450 miles on 1100 meters. We were busy today trying to trace some lost planes. Col. McAlpine and McMilan of the Dominion Explorers are lost with their plane.  They have not been heard of for a week. One of the Western Canada Airways planes is lost and should have been at Stoney Rapids 4 days ago and has not turned up yet. It was not Punch. I was invited over to Pearsons for supper tonight and had a swell supper and stayed and talked till 22:00 then came home. I put the last bunch of pictures into the album and listened to the radio. My black bears have not come back yet and I sent them out in July so when I was chinning to Bill on the set today, I asked him to find out from the HBC Manufacturing Dept what they have done with them. Haven't had an answer yet. Went to bed at 00:15.


Tuesday, Sept 24

            Up at 08:45 and worked on books nearly all day. While Joe was taking the press and using the typewriter I wrote a long letter to Nona, about 5 pages. After supper I loaded the car up for our trip duck hunting then waited for Walt. He phoned and said that he would be over at 20:00. He  came over all ready to go but before we got away Mickey sent word that he would like Walt to take the men up to the Hay Camp for hay. They are out and didn't notice it till tonight. He knew that Walt was going hunting and was sorry that he had to change the plans especially loaded and ready. I decided to go alone and we will likely both go this weekend. I have Sat and Sun off so it will be 2 days instead of one. I left here at 23:00 and arrived there at 00:30……….


Wednesday, Sept 25

            …… and parked the car under some trees then had a drink of hot tea. Joe Lanouette filled my thermos with fresh tea before I left. I put most of the stuff in the front seat then curled up on the back seat and slept till 05:30. It was pretty cold when I woke, although I was comfortable in the car. I had 3 army blankets with me. When I got up, I went over to the river and there wasn't a duck in sight. I went on down to the ferry and there was a flock there but they were too far away. I crawled up thru the bush to where I thought they were and came back out to the river. I was still too far and they must of seen me this time because they flew. I made breakfast then before going back up river for them. I went back to where I had started from but they weren't there and I walked along the bank for about a mile and couldn't see them. I hung around till about 10:00 then started out for Company Lake. I had never been there but a Brother at the farm showed us where it was when we were there last year. I got stuck in the soft mud on the way and I was sure stuck. [photo] It was 11:00 when the car stuck and it was 17:45 when I got it out. The 4 wheels were down to the hubs and the rear ale, battery, muffler and engine were stuck in too. I walked back to the farm, about a mile and a half, and carried 3 old boards, blocks and a shovel and started to work. I took a picture of it just before I started. It will be good if it turns out OK. I won't dwell too much on details of it. Suffice to say that I had to dig a hole beside the wheels and place bricks in it then jack it up by the hub. When the jack was as far as it would go, I placed blocks under the wheel then took the jack out and added some blocks in its foundation and repeated the process. Of course no one lives at the farm and no one passes that way. When I walked back to the farm for lumber the first time, I rustled up some chalk and made a sign stating what was the matter and where I was and asked whoever came along to come out and give me a hand. I had to do that since I was two miles off the road. I then hoped that one of the govn't teams coming in for supplies or going out for salt would pass by. However there was no such luck so I stuck to it. I didn't eat dinner as I knew It was going to be an all day job at the holes were filling up with water and I wanted to get done before dark. When I had the wheels up off the ground high enough, I put the chains on and thank goodness they are the heavy Jumbo chains. They are the kind used on trucks. Well, I did get out and all without cussing or getting excited. I didn't have time for either. I went back to the ferry but there were no ducks there so I washed in the river and made supper. I had tea and bread and jam. I was hungry but too tired to bother cooking and couldn't wait anyway. There was still over half the tea left in the thermos so I had two cups. Believe me I wouldn't be without a thermos when on a long motor trip. I got home at 20:00, lit a roaring fire in the furnace and kitchen, took a snort of whiskey and soda and made a lunch. I made a pot of coffee and had bread and jam. The tank is full and I have a tub full of water on the stove and as soon as it is good and hot, I am going to have a hot bath. We were the first house to have hot running water in Smith. From the water container on the back of the wood stove I ran a pipe right thru the wall and put an outdoor tap on it just above the tub. It is now 22:00 and I will be in bed in about 45 more minutes.


Thursday, Sept 26

            Worked all day on the DRs. When I was ready to quit I had everything entered to the 16. It is hard to keep going now the traffic is getting heavier now instead of slacking off and 3 men are sure not enough to keep things going. Jack was saying that if it keeps this up we will all have to work everyday. I hope not by gee. However we seem to be getting more behind than caught up. As soon as the boats quit running and that will be in a couple or 3 weeks, I think things may be better. The Athabasca is making her last trip this week and the Echo will make 2 more. Gosh the summer is nearly over and we had none.  Tom Pearce came in this evening right after supper and stayed till midnight. As usual when poor Tom comes over the trucks quit running. There wasn't a truck from suppertime till he left. I wanted to drive him over but  he wouldn't hear to it. Said that I had to get up early and work tomorrow and he didn't. We had a darn nice evening together and sat and chewed the rag all the time. The radio was very good all the time, too. We listened in to Regina and heard the first real good concert from there that I ever had heard. Didn't know that CKCK had the stuff. When they re-organized the station they sure made some improvement. We had a good Hawaiian concert from Nashville, Tenn. for over an hour.


Friday, Sept 27

            I woke up still sore from the exertion out at Salt River getting the car out of the mud. The back of my shoulders and legs and my back are stiff as boards. They are more so now than yesterday. I worked all day on the books but there were so many interruptions with the darned phone and tricks on the Key that I only got up to the 18. I finished Augusts books though and went uptown and got the draft fixed up then posted it, that's off my chest. It was beautiful and clear all day and no wind. When I had an hour to spare I went out into the warehouse and made a nice cross for Nadene's grave. It is made of pine and stands about 28 inches above ground and is 18 inches wide. I had no white paint there at the station so intended to get some at the store and paint it tonight but wanted to get all my mail ready tonight so didn't get after it. I will paint it tomorrow noon and it will be dry by night and ready for the second coat. I will paint the edging around the plot too when I take the cross over. I wrote to the bank and sent my book out for balancing and sent out the negatives to have them enlarged. They are the same ones that I had enlarged last spring. I am sending one more out though, "Moonlight on the Slave River". I think it would make a dandy. I wrote to tell them to make it real dark and to make "Evening" dark too. I spent the evening alone and got out quite a lot of mail and cleaned up around the place. I had it nice and clean but things are getting out of place again and I am going to finish fixing them up before going to bed. Am off tomorrow so can do some then until Walt comes over. I am going to have one more fling at the Salt River ducks.


Saturday, Sept 28

            Last night after I had finished most of the work I was doing and getting ready to go to bed, Walt came in and said there was a dance on at Lanouettes. Nothing would do but to go so I went down. It was about 22:30 and it was just getting underway. Lanouettes permit for beer had arrived and he was well away and everyone had to have a drink. Gee he was sure funny. He'd come up and whisper in your ear. "Come on in the refrigerator I have some beer but don't say anything about it or they will all drink it up". When one bunch would come out, he would round up 4 or 5 more and then do it again and on all thru the night. I think that everyone there took 2 trips to the cooler. Lunch was served about midnight and I came home shortly afterwards. I had a couple of dances each with Mrs Pearson, Mrs Smith and Mrs Ingraham. The dance was the annual Teamsters dance. The floor is new and it is nearly the whole length of the building. It is about as wide as Conibears Hall and about 3 times as long. I can see that all the dances in Smith will now be at Lanouettes. I went to bed as soon as I got home and woke up at 09:00 and went to work. I was on the books nearly all day. After supper J. Bradford, the transport agent, came up. We sat and listened to the radio till 22:00 then went down to Lanouettes to get a cup of coffee and a piece of pie. When we got there we heard the MacKenzie was in so Bradford had to go down the hill to the office. While I was having some coffee Freda came in and said that Joe was stuck on the hill, out of gas. Joe Lanouette loaned her a tin and I took her down to the car. I met Waugh, known a Cor-Blimey all over the river. He has been cooking for the Station at Aklavik and took sick and the doctor there said he'd have to come outside.  It is pneumonia. He came up to the house and sat and talked till 05:30.


Sunday, Sept 29

            Up at 11:30. Waugh was just coming up as I was dressing and we went to dinner. After dinner we decided to go for a boat ride but found that the gears in my engine are stripped. I wanted to go over to see Walt but couldn't shake his knobs, so took him with me. Damn-it he buts in whenever your talking and tells jokes. If you are talking about something to somebody he will come up and start telling all about the scandals of Aklavik. He's a pest. We went to the Halfway and I could see that he was impatient to get back to Smith so I talked to Walt till about 15:30, then decided to go to Fitz. We went over and as the Echo and mail were in I stuck around till the mail had left then came back. We got here in time to get it. I did not get any letters from Nona and was a bit worried. I expected to get a wire when she arrived in Regina. I got the records that Nona sent in from McMurray. I went down to supper at Lanouettes and he had been given a bunch of ducks and he had enough for a half duck dinner. Joe and Freda came in and we all stayed there till 23:00, then came home and went to bed.


Monday, Sept 30

            I was at the station at 08:30. I got the Delco going and took the 09:00 call. I sent a wire to Nona and one to the Bay about the bear rugs. After I had sent Nona's wire off I was looking at the calendar and discovered that mail couldn't get back here before the next boat. The Delco gave me trouble all day and I decided to go back tomorrow instead of going hunting and overhaul it. I worked on books and finished up to the 23. I got an answer from Nona at 14:00 saying she had got there safe and was well. I was relieved because she will be OK now. Freda went out on the Echo this week. She didn't get the plane trip after all. It was rumoured today that McMilland and MacAlpine were back safe. (the lost plane) the rumour stated that they landed at Ft. Chip. Nothing much doing tonight so I read a few stories from a magazine and went to bed.

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