Excerpt from the Official History of the NWT&Y Radio System.

an account of Exercise Muskox see the text of a speech given by
Col. JT Wilson
to the Empire Club of Canada in Toronto, 18 April 1946 go to Muskox
page 2.
is also an article from DND's C&E Branch at:
an article by JP Croal
anyone can add details, or point us in the direction to find other
accounts of this exercise please get in touch with us at:

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following article in the Journal of Applied Physiology (PDF format)
can be found at:http://jap.physiology.org/content/vol1/issue1/index.shtml
M. Kark, R. R. M. Croome, J. Cawthorpe, D. M. Bell, A. Bryans, R.
J. MacBeth, R. E. Johnson, F. C. Consolazio, J. L. Poulin, F. H.
L. Taylor, and R. C. Cogswell
Observations on a Mobile Arctic Force. The Health, Physical Fitness
and Nutrition of Exercise "Musk Ox", February-May 1945
J Appl Physiol 1: 73-92, 1948 [PDF]