and Hay River being the main locations during my association with the
Canadian Corps of Signals, although I had dealings with Fort Smith and
Fort Simpson.
Yellowknife radio station was CFYK, the transmitter, (an old AT3 modified
to work on the broadcast band ), being located at Ptarmigan transmitter
site, as the site was across the lake from the town, audio to the transmitter
was via a marine cable. Service for the equipment was via a boat. At
a later date a bridge over the Yellowknife River made things easier.
Signals building was at a prime location, being located between the
RCMP and the Goverment Liquor Store, also the same group of buildings
included the Northern Affairs Offices, the basement of which was being
used as the studios of CFYK. Communication for the town centered around
the Army Signals building, there was no road and no telephone system
to the outside, telegrams were via morse code.
A plaque in my possession, has the following inscription,