VED - Edmonton, Alberta

Position:53:35N-113:30W. Opened 1924 as the hub of the NWT&Y Radio Station network.
Handed over to the Department of Transport on 1 September 1959.
The Station at Calder (Edmonton) was the headquarters of the NWT&Y Radio System.

Original RCSigs building EdmontonRCSigs Station Edmonton 1935
RCSigs Stn Edmonton 1927

These pictures are of the original station erected in 1924. It was replaced by two other buildings one in 1943 which had originally been the WO i/c's married quarters and the third in 1946 which was especially designed and remained until it was demolished by Transport Canada in the 60s.The original building was demolished in 1945.

NAVCAN who took over from Transport Canada now occupy the property and buildings at 133 ave and 127th Street, Edmonton.

New System HQ building at Calder 1947Airport Hotel, Calder, 1950
RC Sigs station compound, EdmontonRC Sigs station and HQ, Edmonton.

Edmonton ComCen

Can anyone tell us the approximate year of this photo?

(619 KB) H.F. Receiver Antennae in the NWT&Y Radio System.
by Maj. DC Lambert

This is a pdf file and you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. If you don't have it already installed you can download a free copy from the following address:

If anyone has other photographs or information on the Edmonton station and its evolution, and would be willing to share them with us, Please contact us.

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